EUROHUMAN 2016 - 2018


KA2 – Cooperation and Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only





2016 - 2018


Project Coordinator:

Adem Tolunay Anadolu Lisesi Antalya / Turkey


1.BRG Wels Wallererstraße Wels/Austria

2.Second English Language School "Thomas Jefferson" Sofia/Bulgaria

3.Agrupamento de Escolas José Sanches e São Vicente da Beira Alcains/Portugal

4.Käthe-Kollwitz-Schule Langenselbold Langenselbold-Hessen/ Germany

5. I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino Mazzarino - Sicily/ Italy


Description of the Project

This year we have seen that the peaceful harmony of the societies has been damaged with rising wars and some anti - humanitarian attitudes towards people like refugees. Many people started to live as immigrants or refugees in other countries because of the wars caused by sectarianism, racial,national and gender discrimination. Many EU countries which live the effect of these problems are trying to find solutions. However, a lot of countries are still indifferent to these problems.

The first reason of these problems is the success and score focused perspective of the world. There is a competitive and self centered modern life with the developing technology. People have to be successful, skillful, versatile and punctual. They are having long education process in order to be noticed in social and business life. This way of life is motivating just for success, but not for happiness. This education system is unkind to the young generation's mental health. As humanist educators we believe that both knowledge and feelings have equal importance in a good education system.

The second reason of these problems is that the social science education hasn’t been developed enough to create a better people with ideal humanitarian values. The importance of humanitarian values to create awareness and perceptual selectivity have been ignored while teaching. On the other hand,positive sciences which are more developed especially in the last 50 years create a very fast technological progress for a comfortable life, but these sciences are not enough to develop people's ability of living together in peace. We believe that we need to educate people with social sciences like history,philosophy,art and sports with humanism centered interactive education methods . In order to be an active European citizen, our young generation should first understand and preserve basic humanitarian values like respecting cultural diversity, non discrimination, tolerance, unprejudicedness which will end these problems in the world. To make a sustainable investment in our societies in European dimension,in accordance with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, a better programmed education and training system based on democratic value transmitting through teaching process of school subjects is needed urgently. By the help of humanism centered education system today’s students(tomorrow’s individuals)will learn how to behave in a humanitarian way towards disadvantaged people and each other to create a peaceful harmony in their society. That is why in this project we as teachers of six countries are searching for the answers of the questions below:

What are we teaching?

What do we value most in our education strategies and measurements?

Do we give any humanitarian values to our students while we are teaching our subjects?

We have chosen similar high schools from different countries which are caring these global problems and want to increase the level of quality in their education system. Teachers and students of secondary schools aged 15-17 will be actively involved in the project.


The objectives of the project :

For students;

- to absorb humanitarian values for the development of interpersonal skills with respect for cultural diversity, non-violence and social inclusion of all kinds of disadvantaged people,

- to increase both self-confidence, self-esteem, self-awareness and self dignity of the young generation.

-to develop problem solving skills

For teachers;

- to enhance their teaching profession by developing multi national humanitarian teaching strategies,

-to provide deeper view on teaching situations by discovering the weaknesses and strengths of teaching profession in European dimension,

-to increase the awareness of how interactive student centered and humanism centered education methods are important for a more effective education system,

-to develop some ideas for a better class management. to enhance cultural awareness between schools and NGOs,

The project should be carried on trans-nationally

for students;

a- to improve the knowledge and understanding about European languages and cultural diversity of partner countries.

b-to improve English language skills with international communication

c-to develop good social skills like working harmoniously with the group members,helping each other,being hand in gloves,discussing and sharing ideas.

d-to provide active participation of young people about the issues of democracy,human rights,justice.

for teachers ;

a- to assess the observation on different strategies of humanitarian value education in European partner countries.

b-to explore and share new ways of teaching by using innovative and interactive methods

c-to gain deep and practical information and ideas on planning,organising,managing and supervising students' activities for schools

d-to build warm and friendly contacts with European partner schools by comparing their cultural diversity

e-to develop language capacity.


Expected activities and outputs are:

1. Preparation of an Erasmus+Wall with logo of the project will be available for teachers, students, school staff, parents and will be renewed after each meetings at each school.

2. Project's website using Twin space as a collaborative platform for participants to work on the project will be prepared. Documentation of the process and results on the e Twining (Twin Space) platform will be downloaded.

3. Presentations of schools and countries to make both the students and teachers to get closer to cultural diversity of partners will be done.

4. Logo and project poster will be prepared

5. Project results will be summarized at the end of each project year. Website will be updated after each meeting.

6. Presentation of the education systems at the schools with guests from universities, neighboring schools, representatives of ministry of education.

7. Evaluation and reflection on cooperation, common communication, outputs, results and meetings will be done. and their reports will be prepared after each meeting.

8. The booklet of the humanitarian teaching strategies in art,sport and social sciences with good examples will be prepared. The parts will be prepared after each meetings and will be collected in all in the last meeting.

9. Survey analysis on project activities for students, teachers and parents., intellectual outputs will be done during and after each transnational and Ltt meeting.

10. Humanitarian history resource file will be prepared

11. Humanitarian symbol art work and humanitarian photo exhibitions and postcards, international calendar will be prepared.

12. The brochures will be prepared to inform stake holders.

13. Videos (short drama with 6 famous humanist people and hooligan songs) will be prepared

The teaching materials will be used even after the project duration. Eurohuman Project booklet is intended to be applied at schools after the duration of two year. The project will be disseminated with the seminars and website.

Erasmus_Eng, Презентация СофияПрезентация na 2АЕГДрама видеоВизита в България

Визита в България: Една незабравима седмица по проект „Европейско образование и ценностите му – условия за мирен свят“ по програма „Еразъм+“


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